Employment of disabled persons

Based on respect for the individual, our activities promoting employment of people with disabilities and independence support go hand-in-hand with communities

Promoting employment of people with disabilities

We have expanded employment opportunities by complying with laws and regulations as well as providing jobs.

Status of employment of people with disabilities

Status of employment of people with disabilities
As of March 2024
Legal employment rate 2.5%
Number of workers used as the basis to calculate the legal handicapped employees 971
Number of handicapped employees (including the severely handicapped) 25
Employment rate ※2.57%
* The employment rate is calculated based on the legal employment rate calculation formula. Each seriously handicapped person is counted as 2. (As of March 2024)

Supporting independence for people with disabilities

Certain simple jobs are subcontracted to sheltered workshops.

Parts setting work
Parts setting work
Parts counting work
Parts counting work